Business Backup Strategies: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly




Most companies have some sort of business backup and recovery system in place, but when asked, few know the details of what that includes.

It’s pretty scary (and dangerous) if you’re not sure which data is being backed up, the backup retention cycle, and how/where the data is being stored.

Today’s technology can make many aspects of a business run smoother and safer, but it can also make businesses more vulnerable due to negligence from different forms of cyber-attacks.


When it comes to business backup and recovery strategies there are two main categories of failure: External and Internal.

External Threat: Company A’s network is exposed to a malicious encryption infections. The company had a weak or non-existent data backup and recovery system in place. The cyber attacker holds their data hostage. Company A is forced to pay the cyber attacker’s ransom or spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to have their data restored. (These situations do actually happen and are becoming much more frequent. Attacks like these are often kept quiet in an attempt to protect the company’s livelihood.)

Internal Threat: Company B has a silent database failure. A data backup system had been implemented but was not being regularly checked or tested. Database backup emails were being sent to the company’s internal IT person, but the emails had not been going through for months. The IT person had no idea that the company’s data backups hadn’t been successful for the past 4 months.


Business Data Backup and Recovery: SafetyNET Your Company

The SWICKtech SafetyNet Business Backup and Recovery System harnesses a bulletproof checks-and-balances system. With automated alerts and physical checks performed daily, we know if and when an issue arises with your data, and we’re able to correct it in the least amount of time possible.

Your data is backed up every night, off-site to your own private cloud. But we don’t stop there….we back your data up to a redundant storage array – meaning your data lives on multiple hard drives. These hard drives are located in a highly secure, off-site data storage facility. In order to gain access to these facilities you must pass multiple layers of security and ID confirmation, including badges, hand scanners, physical security officers and locked cages.

Plus, since our off-site facilities are located in Milwaukee and Chicago, we can retrieve your physical media fast! With local, highly secured data storage facilities our clients have peace of mind knowing where their data lives and that it’s readily accessible in case of an emergency.


While we can’t prevent catastrophic events like fires, server failure, infections and hostage file encryptions, we can protect and restore your data with our SafetyNet business backup and recovery.

With SWICKtech’s multi-layer business backup solution, you get a levels of protection that keep your SafetyNET-protected data as safe as possible!

Whether you’re a small business or a Fortune 500 company, you can rest assured knowing your data is backed up regularly, properly and securely with the SWICKtech SafetyNET.

Schedule a business backup and recovery assessment today and find out what holes exist in your current system.

Stop potential hackers in their tracks.

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